Dear all our beloved Malaysian Students,

We currently have no Malaysian students’ cases of swine flu in our Region.

On April 26th the Federal Department of Health and Human Services declared a health emergency in the U.S. as a precaution due to the recent outbreak of swine flu. MSD Chicago is responding to all Malaysian students in Midwest region and always on monitoring flu cases.

We are passing on these recommendations for our community of families and students.

Please, seek medical attention for yourself or your friends with flu symptoms including a fever of greater than 100 degrees, body aches, cough, sore throat, and respiratory congestion.

To prevent the spread of viral infections in general:

Please keep yourself or your friends home if you have any of the above symptoms to avoid spreading the illness.

Please cough or sneeze using your elbow or into a tissue and properly dispose of the tissue.

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
Avoid touching other people or touching your face, eyes, nose or mouth.

Kindly to inform MSD Chicago if you or your friends become ill with a fever above 100 degrees or become ill with flu symptoms to put into our record.

You may be interested in this resource information:
http://www.idph.state.il.us , http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/